(i) They are proteins in nature
(ii) They act best at specific pH (either acidic or alkaline)
(i) Auxins
(ii) Gibberellins
(i) Fever
(ii) Dry cough
(iv) Headache
(i) Have Three pairs of thoracic legs
(ii)Three body divisions namely, head, thorax and abdomen
Dog... i 3/3 c1/1 pm4/4 m2/3 = 42 teeth
(i) Tannins
(ii) Gum and mucilageand mucilage
(i) Shoulder and chest broadens
(ii) Production of sperms
Located in the upper thoracic region on the dorsal surface of the rib cage
(a) Turbidity/transparency of water bodies
(b) Atmospheric pressure
(i) They anchor plants firmly in the soil.
(ii) Root conducts water and mineral salts upward to the stem and into the leaves.
(i) Charles Darwin
(ii) JeanBaptiste Lamarck
(xiii) A dominant gene is one of the alternative forms of a gene which masks the effect of the other (recessive gene)
(i) Cataracts
(ii) Glaucoma
(iii) Myopia or near near sightedness
(vi) Hypermetropia or far sightedness
Pick one
(i)Transport carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs
(ii) pH of blood i.e. formation of carbonic acid
Pick one
(i) Produces antibodies which provides immunity
(ii) Engulf bacteria (phagocytes)
Specimen A - Tilapia fish
Specimen B - Toad/frog (adult)
Specimen A - Class Osteichthyes
Specimen B - Class Amphibia
(i) Have thin, loose, moist smooth and scale less skin
(ii) Have no teeth
(i) Salamander
(ii) Newt
Habitat for specimen A - Aquatic (fresh water)
Habitat of specimen B - Moist, shady places
Specimen A - Source of food/protein/vitamins
Specimen B - Toads serves as biological control of insects which are pests of farm crops/man
(i) Adaptive feature of specimen A - Streamlined body shape for easy movement in water
Hibiscus flower
Male reproductive part - Stamens
Female reproductive part - Carpels
(3c) Drawing
Specimen D - bedbug
Specimen E - dog tick
Specimen F - cockroach
Habitat for specimen D - Crevices of furniture and beds.
Habitat of specimen E - On dogs or cattle.
Habitat of specimen F - Inside cupboards.
Parasitic relationship
Control of speimen D - yusng esicide or chemicals.
Control ofspcimenE- yuin tk ssto kilhem
Cnrl of specmenF - spraying with insecticides or pesticides.
Economic importance of specimen D - It cause diseases in human (anaemia), i iscotlyin controllng the
Econoic impotance of specimenF - Transmits drt/Cotaminaes food, heir faecesthebok
SpeimG- Maz r
Specen - cowpeaseed
Germination of specime G - Hypogeal gerination
Germination of specimen H - Epigeal germination(5bi)
Food stores byspecimen G - Crbohydrate
Food stored by specimen H - proein
Venation in specmen G - Paralll veation Venation in specimen - net or reticulate venatin
Pest that attacks specimen G - army worms
Pest that attack specimen H - foliage beetles
Economic importance of specmen G It is use s a soure of food,
Ecnomic imporance specimen H - Source of proteins
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